On the Impracticality of Singer’s Ethics

The Drowning Child

Singer uses the child drowning in the pool to illustrate his argument about our moral responsibility to the global poor. Let us say we are heading to work wearing an expensive suit. While we are passing a fountain we see a small child who has fallen in and is drowning in the water. If we were to save the child our expensive suit would be ruined. Do you save the child? Of course you do!

All of us should save the child at the expense of the suit. It is morally reprehensible to let the child drown so your clothing isn’t ruined. If this is the case then why would we not save the other suffering children around the world at the expense of our other material and unnecessary comforts?

Distance Doesn’t Matter

Singer considers different reasons why people do less for the global poor than they should. First, he addresses the issue with distance. Singer argues that the distance between us and those who are suffering should not make a difference to our moral obligations. Would we not have saved the drowning child if they were 10 ft out of our way? Or 20 ft? Distance has no impact on our moral responsibility to alleviate the suffering that we can prevent.

Diffusion of responsibility

Singer also addresses the issue of the diffusion of moral responsibility. He argues that just because those around us are not doing enough for the global poor, does not excuse us from our own responsibilities. Take again the child who is drowning. Just because there are others who are standing around and not helping the child does not mean that you do not still have the moral obligation to help the child.

So what does he want us to do?

Singer claims that those from more affluent countries should donate to the point of marginal utility. That is, he argues that we should give until giving any more would cause more moral harm to us and those that depend on us, than good to the global poor

Why doesn’t this work: Impractical Ethics

When considered solely from a moral standpoint, Singer’s arguments are strong. However, we must realize that Singer is trying to present us with a form of practical ethics that he believes we should be following in our everyday lives. Unfortunately, his thesis and ideas offers an economic solution to suffering and poverty without carefully examining our global economy. Singer provides us with an ideal solution that is not only implausible in our global economy, but also detrimental to those that he is trying to help.

Corruption: How do we fix it?

People suffer because they have no food, shelter and health care. The lack of these basic survival needs can be due to several reasons including civil war, lack of industry, lack of educational material, and a corrupt government. We cannot hope to solve the problems of poverty by simply donating to those suffering in these countries. Singer would agree with this, but he would assert that we should be helping with the problem at hand. However, consider this situation. If a country has a corrupt government then pouring money into this country would not be useful. To solve the problem we would have to fix the corrupt government. How would we do that? We would either have to meddle in the politics of a country or invade and reform the government ourselves. As the invasion of Iraq and various other political reforms around the world show, these events are far more complicated than the simple analogy of the child drowning in the fountain.

Consumerist Society

Singers’ proposal that we should donate to the point of marginal utility does not take into the consideration our global economy. Let us consider what would occur if everyone did in fact start listening to Singer and began donating to the point of marginal utility. This would mean that purchase of luxury goods would cease. This would include clothing, cars, condos, housing, luxury foods, entertainment etc. In our consumer capitalist society this would cause a crash of our economy. Many individuals would loose their jobs and then they would be unable to help the global poor.  Moreover, the companies that have sites in developing countries would shut down. Not only would our economy crash, but also it would likely make the poor countries poorer.

What do you guys think about Singer’s Ethics?          

Other People Have It Worse…

You have all heard it. Or at least you all have thought it in your head. “Don’t feel too bad, other people have it worse than you/me.” I know this statement is meant to put things in perspective, but I call bullshit on it. So what if other people have it worse than you? It doesn’t make your situation any better. Besides those people who have it worse shouldn’t have to have it that way either.

I personally think that this statement is absurd. Not only does it belittle the hurt or emotional turmoil you are going through, but it also uses the greater hurt of others as a means to cheer you up. I mean pain is pain. So what if my pain is because my dog died and Nancy is in pain because her mom died. Her pain doesn’t diminish mine anymore than mine diminishes hers. For that matter her pain doesn’t diminish anyone else’s pain no matter how much worse her situation is.

I mean think about it the other way around. Does it make sense to say, “You shouldn’t be happy, there is someone in the world happier than you.” No one would say that. Why do we take happiness as is, but quantify pain and compare it? My pain is mine and it hurts even if someone may have it worse than me.

My rant for today…

Broken Promises



A poem about fallen love. Not everything is meant to last. Some things are fleeting and they hurt, but you just have to push through to the light down the road. Even if the pain never completely fades, you will be stronger for it… 




Cry me an ocean full of your bitter regret

And I’ll bathe my broken soul in your tears

My heart was taken the day that we met

It sinks now in all of your fears


And what was once promised by the spring bloom

Is washed away by this gale

A wretched tapestry on fates loom

We spun something that was too frail


Now it collapses around us and I see all your lies

We’ll drown in each others love

As it escapes unstoppable from our eyes

Falling to hell from our heaven above


A short story describing one my experiences.

I’m restrained. My hands, held together by soft leather cuffs, are attached to the wooden headboard of the bed. My legs, spread open by a spreader bar, are held in place by the hemp rope tied to the posts at the ends of the bed. The nipple clamps that adorn my breasts are pulled up and attached to a chain hanging from the ceiling. They are attached tightly enough that I have to arch my back slightly to make the pressure bearable. I can barely move. A soft ball gag is fastened to my mouth. I’m blindfolded so that no rays of light can offer me any comfort and all I can hear is the seductive sounds of a violin from a song I don’t recognize.

I’m completely at your mercy. My skin is hot and already I know I’m getting hypersensitive to the sensation of touch. I’m a wet and dripping, ready for you to take me. I know I’m in for a night of pain and pleasure.  Whip and caress in between. That is the game you like to play and I know it’s going to be delicious toe-curling torture.

With everything that is going to happen tonight, the only thing I can’t stand is this anticipation. Forget the pain, or the humiliation I know is to come. I will gladly take everything twice if you would just end the wait. It’s fucking killing me! And I know you know. I can hear you laughing softly outside as the music fades a little. I would have called out for you, but then I’m gagged.  You did that on purpose because you don’t like me gagged when we play.  You always say my voice sounds too beautiful to be muffled.

And as I wait, I start to get angry and I start to struggle against the bonds. I know that is what you are waiting for. For me to be delirious with so many different conflicting feelings that my head spins. As I curse your sadistic nature in my head, I hear the click of the door as it swings softly open.

I Didn’t Think This Through….

Have you guys done something on a whim only to realize in hindsight (and far too late) how ridiculous and foolhardy your actions were? I have. And I’ve done it plenty of times. Here’s a fun list I’m sure everyone can relate to. How many of these things have you guys done? What other things have you guys done?

Cooking. Drunk. Now no matter how many times I have failed at this it is something I seem to attempt again and again. I have managed to turn noodles into mush, smash a jar of salsa all over the kitchen floor, and smear pizza on the walls. Once my friends and I even tried to cook lasagna. Well…. Lets just say we spent most of the next day scrubbing our oven and floors.

Dialing/Texting. Drunk. If I had a penny for every time I did this I would be Scrooge Mcduck swimming in my vault of gold. Here are some random messages I have sent/received.

“The dick was almost out.”

“You’re the only Asian guy who doesn’t make me want to barf when I look at you”

“White guys our default because they are colorless

“You are looking at her boobs aren’t you!! You think mine are too small!!! Yo’re pathetic”

“Do you have a condom?”
“Well, I guess we’re not using your penis tonight”

“I would suck ur dick for a cheeseburger!!! “

“If i had balls i would be on fire”

“I will fuck the shit out of you with a toothbrush 😀 “

“You good sir, need to come and fuck me. I need your dick in my mouth. “

“Your girlfriends face looks like it was smashed with a shovel. “

“You are a bore. A snooze. The only good thing about your class is the tight jeans you wear. Is your dick really that big or do you stuff it. I bet its paper rolls. You can’t fuck with paper rolls you know” (This one was THE worst)

Decide to not go to lecture. Not study for the exam. And go TO the exam. And proceed to stare at the bubble sheet for 30 min. A mistake I made once and once only. The 30% I got on my chem midterm was a huge slap to the reality of this mistake.

Not eat the whole day, work out, and binge drink. I don’t think I even need to elaborate on this.

Spend all your money on a shopping spree– Girls you know what I’m talking about

Recreate action movie scenes. I once tried to swing on a chandelier. Needless to say said chandelier and I did not escape this event unscathed. Couldn’t walk properly for weeks. The mattress I was supposed to land on was a bit misplaced. Plus the chandelier landed on top of me.

ONE NIGHT STANDS. Its worst if you were drunk. Ever woken up and looked to your side and wondered if alcohol had the ability to render you temporarily blind?

ONE NIGHT STANDS. DRUNK. NO CONDOM. Luckily the one and only time I did this it was with a good friend. Awkward as fuck but at least I didn’t have to worry about STDs.

Drunk dialing your ex. We have all done it or had it done to us. Worst if you leave a voicemail that they can later replay.

Jumping into a pile of snow only to discover it had frozen over underneath. No one should hear the thud of ice breaking on their spine.

Climbing a tree while high. And then when the cops asked me to come down. I pretended to be a cat stuck in the branches.

Watching an entire season of a tv show as a study “break.”

Picking up a phone without checking who it was. I ended up yelling at my mom (because I thought it was a friend)“He fucked like a God! I hurt in all the right ways!”

Seeming like you are hiding something from airport security. I once went through airport security with a small hole in my purse lining where a small vial of perfume had slipped through so it seemed hidden. I nearly got a cavity search for this

Blind date. My friend set me up with a girl. Who looked like a man. So fucking awkward!

Sleeping with your ex. 95% of the time this is a horrible idea.  The other 5% of the time it’s a worse idea.

Stripping naked and jumping into a lake. Only to discover its is full of leeches. Don’t even get me started on the magnitude of nightmares I had after this.

Playing strip poker when all you are wearing is a dress, thong and bra. And I’m was a horrible poker player.

Buying MDMA at a bar. From a little old asian lady. And then taking it. This one didn’t end bad, but oh it had so much potential for a disaster that it had to be included.

There are plenty more but I think these will be enough for a good laugh.

Drinking Disaster

So I found this post from first year of university (5 years ago) that I had typed when I was drunk. It was a night I went out drinking after my finals. It made me laugh so I thought I would share (also I really don’t have time to write anything original right now). Oh to be 18 and that silly again. Although I’m quite glad I don’t pull this shit anymore. Anyone else who can relate?

but did last night have to pretty much be the sketchiest night of my fucking life?!
did i really have to drink 12 shots in 5 minutes (13 in 10 min)?? did i RELALY have to lie down on the FLOOR at the washroom at pt’s?
did i HAVE to creepily send my stupid ex suggestive txt msgs and thn call him up and tell him to come fuck me. did he have to agree?! but then i left the bar befor he got there . don’t think hes’ please …no sireee..
a day which will fucking live in infamy

i called my friend. she typed up dumb shit i said. here ya go:

 “You remind me of a mouse. And swiss cheese. You remind me of a bird. And swiss cheese. Her fuckin’ swiss cheese! What the fuck, why do you like swiss cheese so much?! Why does swiss cheese have holes in it?!”

 “You know what? If you shot swiss cheese it would always have holes in it! But it might be a little bit burned. But if you took the burned away it would still be swiss cheese! YOU’RE A MOUSE!”

“What’s impotent is NOT important! In fact, if you’re impotent, you can get out of my house! WHAT DO YOU WANT BITCH?! You’re impotent, get out!” AAAAAAAH

bye friends

Yes, Sir!

So there are many ways to address your dominant in the bedroom. I’m willing to give most titles a try  with the exception of one, which I have always been set against ever being uttered in any sexual encounter. Here is my opinion of the titles men I have played with have asked to address them by. I know that everyone will have different views on this. Remember this is just my opinion and it is not meant to offend anyone.

Master– I’m usually ambivalent towards this one.  I can find it pretty hot a lot of the times. It’s a title that promotes total surrender and ownership. It’s just sometimes when I say this I feel like I’m serving a white plantation owner. I’m not sure why. That’s just he first image that pops in my head. This usually happens when my partner mentions something about race (as you all know I’m a brownie). This immediately initiates an internal rebellion, which sometimes can be fun and other times just upsetting. I don’t mind race play, but then its best to avoid the word Master.

Lord- I once had a tryst with an English man who wanted me to call him lord.  I am not religious by all means, but saying this all the time during sex brought back my Catholic school years. I felt like God was going to smite me for using his name in vain and in such lurid conversations and scenes.

Sire- I was okay with this one. Really had no strong feelings towards this either way. The only problem was my friends and I used to have an inside joke with this word. And sometimes I would start giggling at the thought, which didn’t do much for the scene (or my poor sore ass). Although I think he had quite a kick finding ways to punish me for this.

Daddy- Ok I know some people like using this title, but this is one that I could never use in the bedroom. I just don’t understand how the thought of my dad during an intense sexual session would ever be appealing. Maybe others don’t think of their dads immediately, but that is where my head goes first. Then I start thinking about how horrified my dad would be about this whole scene (My dad is very traditional and set in his way. We don’t get along). And just like that, all that intense sexual feelings dissipate in less than a second. I once dated someone who really liked being addressed as such and I tried. I really did, but this word was like a turn off switch to my libido.

Sir- This is by far my favorite. I have no problem using this title. This title just makes me feel like I am submitting to a confident, sophisticated, modern, experienced, dark, handsome, dominant man. And that is just how I like them!


Of course no matter which title I am supposed to use I always, always, always seem to forget to actually say them at the proper times. I just can’t seem to learn. I think its my minds silent (and unwelcome ) rebellion lol. Tell me which title do you guys  prefer?


I have both these songs running through my head all day. I wish my mind would stop trying to be at two different ends of the spectrum at once. A little less conflicting would be nice please!


The Switch

While I enjoy being submissive in a sexual encounter with a man, I definitely don’t mind taking the reins at some times. I could never be truly dominant with a man because I just really have no real desire to do so. However, with other woman I make a whole 360-degree switch.

I think this is due to the fact that I was raised in a traditional family so it doesn’t grate my nerves as much letting the man have control in the bedroom (not that it still doesn’t grate my nerves a bit, but hey that’s the fun). But if it’s another woman in the bedroom, then I am definitely dominant.  I’m not exactly sure why. Its just the way I am.

I first realized this when I was at a club at NYE a few years ago. My roommate at that time and I were lounging on a couch with a couple other people. She mentioned how she had never kissed a girl before. I remember weaving my fingers through her curly blonde hair, looking her in the eyes and saying, “Darling. It is New Years Eve. You are going to kiss me today and you are going to use tongue.” Since she did not protest (although she seemed a bit startled), I leaned in so our lips were barely touching and waited for her to move in to fill the whisper of a space between us. She did and our lips met in a soft delicious kiss that made the perfect start for the New Year. I pulled back for a second only to kiss her again, more deeply this time. Pushing her against the chair I pinned her hands up. She let out a slow moan that send chills quivering down my spine.

Unfortunately, we were in public so we didn’t get much further.  Plus sleeping with one of your best friends and roommate is not the best of ideas. But that little make out session was what made me first realize how much I liked being in charge when I’m with a woman. Since then, I did get a chance once to punish a beautiful petite brunette with the most amazingly blue eyes I have ever seen. Her little whimpers of pain caused such delightful shivers of pleasure. I did not know til then that inflicting pain would cause me such pleasure. Maybe there is a sadistic little bitch in me somewhere. I haven’t really gotten a lot of chances to be with woman, so I have little practice with this. However, it is definitely a part of my sexuality that I would like to explore more.

Rantings of a First Child

I’m the first of four children and being a first child can be hard. This poem describes how I feel at times. Any first children out there who feel the same?

Test Run

Get in the car
Start the engine
Let’s see what she can do

Throw her out
Bring her back
Is she right for you

She’ll show you roads
You can travel safely
She’ll show you roads
Filled with strife

Through ups and downs
Twists and turns
She’ll show you
The back alleys of life

She’s your test run
Your first one
Where all your doubts lie
She’s your crash test
A bloody mess
Can’t look her in the eye

She takes you for your first ride
Through mountains and valleys
Through days and nights

Through ups and downs
Twists and turns
She shows you through
The tunnels of life

She’s your test run
Your first one
Where all your doubts lie
She’s your crash test
A bloody mess
Can’t look her in the eye

But she can’t run anymore
Her power is dieing out
She’s tired of being
The one filled with all the doubt

She crashes, she burns
The mirror cracks in two
She can’t go on living
Her life just for you

She was your test run
Your first one
Where all your doubts lied
She was a crash test
The bloody mess
You stood by while she cried

Now she’s a shadow
Your one foe
The nightmare in your dreams
She’s your true love
Your white dove
The one who makes you scream